Christian Patriarchs and their Poison

This is a shortlist of popular contemporary Christian patriarchs and their poison.

Simply put, patriarchy is father rule. Christian patriarchs take a dozen or so Bible verses to prove their ideology. Frankly, too much proof-texting goes into their elaborate doctrine, which is also based on traditional patriarchal views. Much of their idealism is borrowed from Ancient Greek culture, Ancient Roman culture, and Victorianism.

Christian Patriarchy (CP) runs on a spectrum of what is considered soft to the other extreme that is hard or supposed to be the real deal. Often, hard CPs believe anyone who is not in their camp is not legitimate. They are considered a little to the right of feminism, which is evil. True patriarchs are destined to save the United States and ultimately the world.

This list and their memes underscore how militant and vitriolic they are against anyone who is not in their camp.

Here are some names of popular, hardcore CPs

J. Adams and many in the "biblical" counseling movement

Baucham, Voddie

Botkin, G.

Brown, Scott

Buck, Tom

Buice, Josh

Byrely, Paul

Conn, Eric

Durbin, Jeff

Eggerichs, Emerson

Foster, Michael 

Gothard, Bill 

Gunn, Colin – The Regiment of Women


Hughes, Gabe

Johnson, Phil

Jolly, Nathaniel

Lancaster, Phillip – Family Man, Family Leader

LaHaye, Tim

Love, Josh

MacArthur, John

McDonald, James – Patriarchs’Path magazine; founder of the new denomination Covenant Presbyterian Church

Pearl, Michael

Pipa, Joseph

Phillips, Doug – Vision Forum


Sproul Jr., R.C.

Stewart, Neil

Strachan, Owen

Suave, Brian

Sumpter, Toby

Tennant, Dominic Bnonn

Thomas, Gary

Wilburn, Steve

Wilson, Doug and his empire

Women CPs

Alexander, Lori

Botkin sisters

Campbell, Nancy

Chancey, Jennie

Jaeger Summer and Sheologians

Jankovic, Rachel (Doug Wilson’s daughter)

Lesley, Michelle

Pearl, Debi 

Pride, Mary

Scott, Rachel

Spreeman, Amy

Wilburn, Lori

What do they believe and say?